About Us
The Chewacla Invasive Plant Working Group is a collection of volunteers seeking to improve and protect the ecological health of our local state park by reducing the incursion of non-native invasive plants.
Chewacla State Park is an outstanding recreational resource for our community, and has a remarkable diversity of trees and native plants. It is a complex and thriving ecosystem supporting rich bird and insect populations. Proliferating non-native plants have become dominant species in some areas of the park, however, and continue to aggressively spread and overtake native species, threatening the health and sustainability of this valuable natural system.
How We're Helping
Our group has begun efforts that will provide education for the visiting public about the problem of non-native invasive plants, undertake the training of volunteers in best practices for invasive plant removal, and organize well-planned and ongoing efforts supporting the ecological health of Chewacla State Park through invasive remediation work. Along with reducing invasive plant pressures, we will work to encourage and nurture replacement native species from among the many long established plant communities there.
Email us at info@chipwg.org to get involved!
Get Involved
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth or social media, thank you! We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you. Reach out via email at info@chipwg.org