Invasive Plants

  • Kudzu

    (peuraria lobata)

    A notorious invasive plant, now endemic to the South Eastern US. Originally brought from Japan for use in controlling erosion in newly developed areas.

  • Chinese Privet

    (Ligustrum sinense)

    It is commonly believed that Kudzu is the most widespread and destructive invasive plant in the South East. But, Chinese Privet is actually more widespread and is responsible for greater ecological damage.

  • Thorny Olive (Silver Leaf)

    (Elaeagnus pungens)

    A very aggressive invasive plant and one of the primary focus of ChIPWG. This plant is capable of killing mature hardwood or coniferous tree species within a few years of germination.

  • Leaf of Chinese Parasol Tree

    (Firmiana simplex) A leaf of Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin) can be seen also.

  • Chinese Privet

    (Ligustrum sinense)

    Invasives can be really hearty. This Chinese Privet, was sawed almost completely through and treated with herbicide. But, since the trunk was not cut quite all the way through, the plant still lives. Proper technique is important when managing invasives.

  • Sweet Autumn Clementis

    (C. terniflora)

    Commonly used as an ornamental, can be invasive.